Monday, September 15, 2014

BHO Extraction Part 2.

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So you have got your hands on some Buds, Trim or whatever, and your ready to get going. You have an extraction tube, some good butane and you want to know what’s next. You’ve read the disclaimer from my first post and are ready to go.

You’re ready for your first BHO Extraction, so let’s get started.

As you’ll probably recall from the first post, I recommend using whole, dry buds/flowers if possible for BHO Extraction. If you’re using quality trim, make sure that it’s dry and don’t bother grinding it up. The only exception to the ‘whole buds’ rule is when you are dealing with large, or dense buds. In this case, it’s smart to break them up a little before filling your tube. This way you’ll expose any trichomes (crystals) that are inside.

I always try to keep things as simple as possible, so having 1 ounce to work with is preferable, because you’ll know exactly how much butane is needed. If you’re using less, try to keep things in eighth, quarter, and half ounce increments. Using a random amount can get pretty confusing, so I wouldn’t recommend it.


Onto the BHO Extraction. Remember that extraction tube we were talking about before? It’s time to fill it up. Make sure to read the instructions if they were provided.

You’ll want to fill your tube somewhat loosely, and then lightly pack your material down.
Some extract into Pyrex or glass and end up having to scrape with a razor blade. Others extract into a container lined with wax paper, and end up with BHO with wax residue. In my opinion, both of these methods work, but neither are much fun to deal with.

Instead, you’ll have a much easier time using a pad designed specifically for BHO Extraction.
Make sure to extract outside. Now, put an oven mitt on the hand that’s holding the extraction tube (it will get very cold) and begin injecting butane while pointing the tube at your dish. Inject for 30-45 seconds and then stop for 15-20 seconds. Repeat this until your can is empty. Refer to my last post for how much butane is needed for how much material you’re extracting.

There are a few different methods of purging, but in this post I’m going to focus on what I call ‘The Old School Method’.

After your BHO Extraction is complete, you’ll want go inside and heat water in a pot big enough to accommodate the dish you extracted into. Heat water to below boiling. 115-120°F is perfect. The hotter the water, the more violent the reaction so we don’t want to go any hotter than 120°F.
The idea is to bring your warm water outside, and place the dish containing your BHO Extraction into your pot.

When the warm water heats the butane extraction in your dish, the butane will begin to boil off. Since butane boils at around -5 to -10°C, your warm water will be more than hot enough to purge it out.
At this point, you wait until the reaction slows. When you reach the point pictured below, go ahead and take a pin and pop the larger bubbles to release any pockets of butane.


Now, you want to remove your dish from the water and place it on a heating pad. After about an hour on the pad, you are ready to bring your concentrates inside.

Nobody really knows how much residue is left over in BHO after extraction. But it doesn’t take a Rocket Scientist to deduce that the more butane you can purge from your end product, the less of it will be in there.

Many people will stop after the heating pad step and scrape, or (if you lined your dish with a Concentrate Pad) gather their BHO up and get to dabbing.


But if you want to end up with a squeaky clean end product; I really recommend vacuum purging, which I will discuss in detail in another article.

Happy Dabbing!

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